Lotta Ziggy Stardusts and Lady Grinning Souls in
attendance. Johnny super creeping into the shot.
The prettiest star for the drive in Saturday. What do you
think, too many puns?

Hey! Remember the drunk accordion player from
Thomas Francis Takes His Chances?

Panamanian devil, Jose "Felix" and his lovely girlfriend,
Princess Becky.

Someone oughta tell John... (NOTE: Nicotine patch)

Growlin' Prowlin' Rowley, up to his old tricks.

It's more like Paul Stanley, but how can you talk
rock and roll semantics if you're too timid to speak?

These girls really went all out.

John and a girl with whom he has no chance.

Goth dork (I have a bad habit of borrowing people's
eyeglasses and trying them on. I should really quit it.
Sorry, John).

Viva la Bowie!

Lonesome cowboy Bill, not so lonesome.

John was thoroughly over the night. He later grabbed
some glasses and threw them out our window to prove
Newtonian physics exists.

Owls + balloons=punk rock.

Heart skulls + stars=rock=the way to my love.
Hey! Remember the drunk accordion player from
Thomas Francis Takes His Chances?
Panamanian devil, Jose "Felix" and his lovely girlfriend,
Princess Becky.
Someone oughta tell John... (NOTE: Nicotine patch)
Growlin' Prowlin' Rowley, up to his old tricks.
It's more like Paul Stanley, but how can you talk
rock and roll semantics if you're too timid to speak?
These girls really went all out.
I mean really went all out.
John and a girl with whom he has no chance.
Goth dork (I have a bad habit of borrowing people's
eyeglasses and trying them on. I should really quit it.
Sorry, John).
Viva la Bowie!
Just from her face, I can kinda see where this went.
Lonesome cowboy Bill, not so lonesome.
John was thoroughly over the night. He later grabbed
some glasses and threw them out our window to prove
Newtonian physics exists.
Owls + balloons=punk rock.
Heart skulls + stars=rock=the way to my love.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I later found out this was the Alkaline