Wednesday, June 2, 2010

MEGA POST! Part 1: Crashing in Jersey

Party people in the house say yeahhhh!!!

If you were wondering why the hell I
hadn't put up photos in so long, the answer
is because I lost the USB cable. But I bought a
new card reader today, so not only can I post
up all the exciting things that have gone on in the
past few weeks, but I can start bringing my
camera out even more for new ThursDaves!

Here are a few photos from a couple weeks ago
when Russ and Spencer freeloaded on my couch
for what seemed like forever! Just kidding. They're
good house guests.

The night these next 3 were taken, Wyldlife had just
played a show at Lit Lounge, which was a boatload of
fun. For some reason, I was really really wired and
excited, and so the next thing we know, the band and
our friends were at St. Jerome's getting hammered
at a KISS themed party. What more do you need?

We were also treated to free pizza because our beautiful
friend, Chiara, spoke that divine language that is
Italian to the shop owner. Sam slept over at some dudes
house (no homo) while the three of us went back to
Jersey City. By the time we crawled out of the PATH,
it was 6:15 in the morning and the sun was fully up.
Everything was hilarious and I was certain the three
of us had become insane.

Observe the photos of us
just as we touched back into my apartment:

Spencer, looking like an escaped convict.

Russ, looking like a former asylum inmate.

Myself, looking like a struggling drug addict on my way
to the big house. HOORAY FOR SLEEP!

The dudes stayed over for a few days living off of ramen
noodles, Chef Boyardee, and water. We had lots of fun
scoping out some Jersey City night life. I will miss them
and they are both welcome back into my place anytime.

As a token of appreciation, Spencer drew me my very
own portrait from this watercolor like ink. I was so
pleased. If he were my court artist, I would never
behead him.
I will have this forever. If you like this art,
you should check out Spencil's first ever
exhibition at Balance Salon this Friday
night at 7pm! 18 Erie Street. I'll be there,
and not just because I'm working!

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