Wednesday, June 2, 2010

MEGA POST! Part 3: Party Expo Disaster Show

OK, so I finally finished school by this point,
although I still had a microeconomics final
by the time Spencer's party rolled around.

I got home. Studied my ass off for three days
straight and...

...I failed! First test I ever failed in college and
it was a final exam! Luckily, I was still above the
mean and median score, and so the curve was big
enough to get me a B+ in the course. BUT WHO

After the exam, I hit summer running doing a
few shooting gigs for Japanese handbags and
Tokyo cafes (apparently I'm really big in Japan).
But what I was really looking forward to was
the Street Boners book release party at Party
Expo in Brooklyn. Street Boners is Gavin Mcinne's
brain child, as were the Do's and Don'ts from Vice
Magazine, which he started and left.

For some reason, even though his book makes fun
of these hipster squares, millions of them flock to
his party and worship his every word! It's like a cow
bowing down to Ronald McDonald. Anyway Wyldlife
was invited to open up for the hilarious Das Racist.
We knew there'd be really hot skinny chicks,
we were in! But the night turned out a bit differently.

I don't want to beat a dead horse, considering
Igor from Driven by Boredom already covered
the event (the photos are
of way better quality as well). Basically, the cops
showed up 3 songs into our set, Das Racist didn't
show up, none of us got laid, and our 45 EPs were
given out in 45 seconds to kids who just wanted
more, more, more. Next time, kids. I promise.

Gavin Mcinnes warms up the crowd with a sampling
of his book. Even though he is extremely terrifying to
meet, I gotta say, he was a pretty nice guy to me.
The massive crowd was stoked.
Awaiting Wyldlife...
You know the book is shocking when the chick on the right
is just simply appalled.

No Wyldlife photos of us playing. I'm not stealing them
and again, if you really care, you should check out Driven
By Boredom. The cops busted in and I told the crowd we
had free EPs. It was as if I had told a bunch of zombies
that I had free fresh brains.
I then told the crowd to make a zombie face as a matter
of fact, which is why you have some zombie hand
gestures here.

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